Mission and Vision
Gradalis provides Anthroposophically-informed, high-quality Professional Development and Teacher Training for Independent and Public Waldorf Schools, and experienced consulting services that support healthy, sustainable development for Schools within the Waldorf Movement.
Gradalis supports the gradual unfolding of skills and capacities of the teacher and lays a strong foundation for this type of Education to manifest fully and with integrity into the world as a force for renewal of education in both the public and private sector. Gradalis faculty members are experienced in Public and Independent Education inspired by Waldorf Principles and commit fully to guiding schools in the public Waldorf Movement. To this end, Gradalis dedicates its work and efforts to benefit future generations who will be able to freely and of themselves impart purpose and direction to their lives for the benefit of Humankind.
Experienced leaders, educators, and innovators develop and oversee Gradalis trainings
Gradalis is an anthroposophically-based organization overseen by a Board of Stewards. These five stewards are responsible for continuing development of Gradalis, its operations and programs.
Thom Schaefer, M.A.
Director Elementary Education
Academic Senate
Spatial Dynamics
Thom, also a founding member of Gradalis, has been a lifelong Waldorf educator, teaching and administering from elementary school through college. He has taught at elementary and high school levels in public school and primarily Waldorf settings. He was Pedagogical Director at Credo, a Public Waldorf High School in California and is currently H.S. Administrator at Sacramento Waldorf School.
Alice joined Gradalis in 2018 and has been teaching eurythmy since 1975. She began her eurythmy training in Eckwalden, Germany and finished with Else Klink in Stuttgart.
Tim Long, M.B.A.
Business and Finance
School Support Services
Nationally accredited anthroposophically based training.
Gradalis Professional Development Training is a nationally accredited institution. Gradalis Training Programs qualify across state lines for required hours to maintain teaching certifications.
“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”
–Rudolf Steiner
Shining Mountain Waldorf School
999 Violet Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304
10661 Utrillo Lane
Northglenn, CO 80234
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