Summer 2025 School Leadership Institute 

June 22 – 27, 2025

School Leadership Institute

Each year colleagues gather from around the country for these teacher renewal courses. GRADALIS has created a School Leadership component so administrators and other school leaders can also receive inspiration, renewal and more expertise and understanding of their essential role in the Waldorf school. Join our School Leadership cohort while your teachers are preparing for the grade level they’ll be teaching next year. Meet other School leaders this summer in Boulder, Colorado, Sunday June 22nd to Friday, June 27th. GRADALIS Instructors with years of Waldorf School leadership experience will join with you in expanding your understanding of multiple topics including Financial Planning and Budgetary processes, Strategic Planning, Fundraising and School Development, Building Healthy School Culture, Three-fold Governance in a Waldorf school environment and the role of School Leadership, Human Resources, Special Education and other compliance issues. Create and build lasting connections with other administrators. Rejuvenate with some art, movement and collaborative work with others leading schools today.

Cost: $675 if registered by May 15th. $715 after May 15th. Deadline for Registration is June 10th. Possible continuation with your leadership cohort through the school year, based on conversations at the Institute.

School Leadership Instructors

Donna Newberg-Long, Ph.D.

Donna has Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and 41 years of experience in Waldorf School Leadership and Teacher. Currently Executive Director of Gradalis for 10 years .

Thom Schaefer, M.A.

Thom has 41 years experience as a Waldorf School leader, principal and teacher. Currently H.S. Director at Sacramento Waldorf School. 10 years as Gradalis Steward and Instructor.

Roel Op’Tende

Roel is currently Pedagogical Director at CREDO Waldorf H.S. and Gradalis Grade 8 Instructor.

Gradalis Logo

Ina Jaehnig

Ina has 50 years experience in leadership at Denver Waldorf School. Founder and H.S. instructor. Has taught all Grades in the Waldorf School. Past experience in AWSNA and Pedagogical Council..

Karl Johnson, M.A.

Karl is currently Pedagogical Director at Mountain Song Community School. Past experience in School leadership and as a Waldorf teacher.

Nationally accredited anthroposophically based training.

Gradalis Professional Development Training is a nationally accredited institution. Gradalis Training Programs qualify across state lines for required hours to maintain teaching certifications.


WECAN Associate Member Institute.

The mission of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America is to foster a new cultural impulse for the work with the young child from pre-birth to age seven.

“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”

–Rudolf Steiner


Shining Mountain Waldorf School
999 Violet Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304

10661 Utrillo Lane
Northglenn, CO 80234

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